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Jan 2

1 min read




Registration for religious education (First Communion and Confirmation) and for Croatian language school lasts until the end of January.

All parents who are enrolling their children for the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation should personally report to the parish priest to obtain the necessary documents. Since the sacraments are a celebration for the entire community, for this year's First Communion and Confirmation, it is necessary to have a minimum of 8-10 children for the said sacraments in order to celebrate them this year. If a sufficient number of candidates are not gathered for a particular sacrament, the sacrament will be distributed next year.

For now, we have a sufficient number of volunteer teachers, but it would be desirable for other parents to also register with Mrs. Tanja Pavelic, so that we can all participate together in the Christian and cultural upbringing of our children.

We invite all interested parties to register as soon as possible, so that we can schedule the meeting times and assign duties to volunteers in time, as well as set dates for First Communion and Confirmation, if the required number of children apply.

Registrations at the link below: