The head of the Catholic Education Team in our parish is Mrs. Tanja Pavelic. The Team includes the folklore dance group 'Domagoj', a Croatian language school, and parish religious education for first-communions and confirmations. Approximately 40 students attend our Croatian language school. Since there is an increasing number of interested parents, it is necessary to have a larger number of volunteer teachers, as well as spaces in which the school will take place. We are currently working in the parish to create additional classrooms. All volunteer teachers must have a police permit to work with children. The school is led by Mrs. Tanja Pavelic. Classes usually take place on Friday afternoons. Volunteer teachers rotate every two weeks, so as not to have an additional burden on their work and family.
IT media is a team in development, led by Mr. Mate Verunica. Since we live in the age of social media, it is necessary to 'follow' the flow of time. This team deals with editing pictures and posts on social networks, and improving communication tools for our parishioners. Additionally, we are working on the development of a joint application, in order to connect all teams and employees through a common platform.
In our Parish we have 8-10 lunches a year. For this we should have 8-10 cooking groups, and each group should have 12-14 members. The cooking team is led by Mrs. Mirjana Sučić. She gives advice on what and how much to cook for each lunch, and helps with navigating the parish kitchen. Each volunteer here is assigned once a year. For picnics on Croatian land, we will have groups of volunteers from all groups who want to volunteer at the picnics. Usually on Saturday afternoon, tables and chairs are prepared in the parish hall, and lunch supplies are purchased (drinks and food), and lunch is prepared for Sunday, and on the day of the lunch itself, the final preparations for lunch begin in the morning.
Our parish choir is in the process of developing a 'youth group', which you have already heard at our masses. The parish choir in Župa is led by Mr. Tomislav Galić. Sometimes – when it comes to young people – there are rehearsals on Saturdays, but by arrangement. The choir mainly performs at Sunday masses at 11am.
Our church is cleaned by our parishioners, mostly younger families. Usually there are 2 people in each 'subgroup', although sometimes there can be individuals. The church cleaning team is led by Mrs. Doris Beljan. The 'subgroups' are arranged so that they usually clean the church on Saturdays, approximately 2 times a year. When there are big celebrations, such as Christmas and Easter, all members who can come are invited. The necessary cleaning materials (vacuum cleaners and brooms) are located in the church.
Sunday readings during Holy Mass (as well as on the feast days of Christmas, New Year, Epiphany) are read by our young and old volunteers. Usually, the schedule is received a few days before Sunday, with the readings that will be read at Mass. Within the group, the volunteers have a Whatsupp group in which they communicate when someone cannot participate when their schedule is and asks for a replacement. The reading team is led by Ms. Petra Petric.
The team of ushers is mainly tasked with being at the entrance to the church during the Holy Mass, when their schedule is. The ushers make sure that no one who would cause a mess enters the church, and they work in pairs. During the Holy Mass, they monitor the parish parking lot to make sure everything is in order. The team of ushers is led by Mr. Zoran Boljkovac. The team also helps clear snow on Sundays in the winter, before the Holy Mass begins. There is a WhatsApp group within the team, within which they exchange schedules and look for possible replacements, if someone is unable to come on their schedule.
This is also a team in the making. This team is looking for professionals in construction and repairs. The team is led by Mr. Danijel Petric, who, in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Edmonton, takes care of practically 'everything'. Sometimes it's plumbing, sometimes changing locks, sometimes taking care of repairing kitchen appliances, or even supervising real estate. It's important to have contacts with professionals in different fields who can give advice or help solve problems.
The prayer team in our parish leads the prayer of the Holy Rosary on Sundays before the start of Holy Mass. During Lent, the team is known to join in praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays. The prayer team is led by Mrs. Mirjana Sučić, who participates in prayer together with volunteers. The prayer intentions of the Holy Rosary rotate, so one Sunday a month is for children and their parents, one for our elderly and sick, the third time is for married couples, and the fourth time for all our deceased.
The team that takes care of the Liturgy in our church is led by Mrs. Marijana Noršić. Taking care of the preparation of the altar for the Holy Mass, taking care of the entire presbytery (where the priest and altar servers are located), including decorations, and taking care of the supply of hosts and other supplies, is a common task for all members of the Liturgy team. To participate in the team, you can apply to Mrs. Marijana Noršić, or by applying for a Volunteering form.